Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating through the loan process can raise a number of questions. Luckily for

you, we’ve got you covered. Find all the answers you’re looking for below or get in touch. We’re here to help.

Most common questions.

Does it cost to use a broker?

What grants are available to me?

How much does it cost to refinance?

How much deposit do I need to purchase a property?

Can you help me understand my borrowing capacity?

What fees should I be aware of when purchasing a property?

Other questions about home loans

What is equity?

What is a grant?

Should I rent or buy?

Should I buy or sell first?

What is a deposit bond?

What is a redraw facility?

How much can I borrow?

What is genuine savings?

What is an offset account?

What is a residual amount?

What is a good interest rate?

What is an interest only loan?

Should I use a bank or broker?

How does a bridging loan work?

What is Best Interest Duty (BID)?

What does a mortgage broker do?

What is Lenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI)?

What does pre-approval mean and do I need it?

What is stamp duty and how much does it cost?

What happens to my mortgage when I move house?

How will you decide which loan is best suited to my circumstances?

What is the difference between offset accounts and redraw facilities?

What is the difference between a fixed rate home loan vs a variable rate?

Questions about other loan types

What can I use a personal loan for?

Do I need pre-approval for a personal loan?

Secured or unsecured car loan?

What other costs should I be aware of?

Do I need pre-approval for a car loan?

What does refinancing mean?

What does negative and positive gearing mean?

Can I use equity to buy an investment property?

Is buying an investment property right for me?

What is the right investment strategy for me?

How do I choose the right kind of investment loan?

Do I need to get pre-approval for my investment loan?

How long is an asset finance term?

How to reach us:

If you’re interested in learning more about our services or have any loan

Want to speak with someone right now:

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0459 348 384